Org.Objectweb.Asm.Opcodes Jar
Java Asm' title='Java Asm' />Opcodes. Source and Javadoc. ASM a very small and fast Java bytecode manipulation framework. Copyright c 2. 00. INRIA, France Telecom. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright. Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS AS IS. AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE. IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE. LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR. CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF. SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS OR BUSINESS. INTERRUPTION HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN. CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE. ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF. THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Defines the JVM opcodes, access flags and array type codes. This interface. does not define all the JVM opcodes because some opcodes are automatically. For example, the x. LOAD and x. STORE opcodes are automatically replaced. LOADn and x. STOREn opcodes when possible. Spring Asm Jar DownloadDownload asm3. MethodWriter. class org. Opcodes. class org. Type. class org. The x. LOADn and x. STOREn. Likewise for LDC. LDCW or LDC2W when necessary, WIDE, GOTOW and. Download com. springsource. Jar File Download. The ASM library is a project of the OW2 Consortium. It provides a simple API for decomposing, modifying, and recomposing binary Java classes i. Jersey NoClassDefFoundError orgobjectwebasm. Add this dependency. NoClassDefFoundError orgobjectwebasmClassVisitor at com. Asm Jar' title='Asm Jar' />Eric Bruneton. Eugene Kuleshov. Opcodes. ASM API versions. ASM4 4 lt lt 1. ASM5 5 lt lt 1. V11 3 lt lt 1. V12 0 lt lt 1. V13 0 lt lt 1. V14 0 lt lt 1. V15 0 lt lt 1. V16 0 lt lt 1. V17 0 lt lt 1. V18 0 lt lt 1. ACCPUBLIC 0x. 00. ACCPRIVATE 0x. ACCPROTECTED 0x. ACCSTATIC 0x. 00. ACCFINAL 0x. 00. ACCSUPER 0x. ACCSYNCHRONIZED 0x. ACCVOLATILE 0x. ACCBRIDGE 0x. ACCVARARGS 0x. ACCTRANSIENT 0x. ACCNATIVE 0x. 01. ACCINTERFACE 0x. ACCABSTRACT 0x. ACCSTRICT 0x. 08. ACCSYNTHETIC 0x. ACCANNOTATION 0x. ACCENUM 0x. 40. ACCMANDATED 0x. ASM specific pseudo access flags. ACCDEPRECATED 0x. NEWARRAY. int TBOOLEAN 4. TCHAR 5. int TFLOAT 6. The Sims 1 Gothic Objects there. TDOUBLE 7. int TBYTE 8. TSHORT 9. int TINT 1. TLONG 1. 1. tags for Handle. HGETFIELD 1. int HGETSTATIC 2. HPUTFIELD 3. int HPUTSTATIC 4. HINVOKEVIRTUAL 5. HINVOKESTATIC 6. HINVOKESPECIAL 7. HNEWINVOKESPECIAL 8. HINVOKEINTERFACE 9. Represents an expanded frame. See link Class. ReaderEXPANDFRAMES. FNEW 1. Represents a compressed frame with complete frame data. FFULL 0. Represents a compressed frame where locals are the same as the locals in. FAPPEND 1. Represents a compressed frame where locals are the same as the locals in. FCHOP 2. Represents a compressed frame with exactly the same locals as the. FSAME 3. Represents a compressed frame with exactly the same locals as the. FSAME1 4. Integer TOP new. Integer0. Integer INTEGER new. Integer1. Integer FLOAT new. Integer2. Integer DOUBLE new. Integer3. Integer LONG new. Integer4. Integer NULL new. Integer5. Integer UNINITIALIZEDTHIS new. Integer6. opcodes visit method idem. NOP 0 visit. Insn. ACONSTNULL 1. ICONSTM1 2. ICONST0 3. ICONST1 4. ICONST2 5. ICONST3 6. ICONST4 7. ICONST5 8. LCONST0 9. LCONST1 1. FCONST0 1. 1. FCONST1 1. FCONST2 1. 3. DCONST0 1. DCONST1 1. 5. BIPUSH 1. Int. Insn. int SIPUSH 1. LDC 1. 8 visit. Ldc. Insn. int LDCW 1. LDC2W 2. 0. ILOAD 2. Var. Insn. int LLOAD 2. FLOAD 2. 3. DLOAD 2. ALOAD 2. 5. ILOAD0 2. ILOAD1 2. 7. ILOAD2 2. ILOAD3 2. 9. LLOAD0 3. LLOAD1 3. 1. LLOAD2 3. LLOAD3 3. 3. FLOAD0 3. FLOAD1 3. 5. FLOAD2 3. FLOAD3 3. 7. DLOAD0 3. DLOAD1 3. 9. DLOAD2 4. DLOAD3 4. 1. ALOAD0 4. ALOAD1 4. 3. ALOAD2 4. ALOAD3 4. 5. IALOAD 4. Insn. int LALOAD 4. FALOAD 4. 8. DALOAD 4. Program Buat Jadual Waktu. AALOAD 5. 0. BALOAD 5. CALOAD 5. 2. SALOAD 5. ISTORE 5. 4 visit. Var. Insn. int LSTORE 5. FSTORE 5. 6. DSTORE 5. ASTORE 5. 8. ISTORE0 5. ISTORE1 6. 0. ISTORE2 6. ISTORE3 6. 2. LSTORE0 6. LSTORE1 6. 4. LSTORE2 6. LSTORE3 6. 6. FSTORE0 6. FSTORE1 6. 8. FSTORE2 6. FSTORE3 7. 0. DSTORE0 7. DSTORE1 7. 2. DSTORE2 7. DSTORE3 7. 4. ASTORE0 7. ASTORE1 7. 6. ASTORE2 7. ASTORE3 7. 8. IASTORE 7. Insn. int LASTORE 8. FASTORE 8. 1. DASTORE 8. AASTORE 8. 3. BASTORE 8. CASTORE 8. 5. SASTORE 8. POP 8. 7. POP2 8. DUP 8. 9. DUPX1 9. DUPX2 9. 1. DUP2 9. DUP2X1 9. 3. DUP2X2 9. SWAP 9. 5. IADD 9. LADD 9. 7. FADD 9. DADD 9. 9. ISUB 1. LSUB 1. 01. FSUB 1. DSUB 1. 03. IMUL 1. LMUL 1. 05. FMUL 1. DMUL 1. 07. IDIV 1. LDIV 1. 09. FDIV 1. DDIV 1. 11. IREM 1. LREM 1. 13. FREM 1. DREM 1. 15. INEG 1. LNEG 1. 17. FNEG 1. DNEG 1. 19. ISHL 1. LSHL 1. 21. ISHR 1. LSHR 1. 23. IUSHR 1. LUSHR 1. 25. IAND 1. LAND 1. 27. IOR 1. LOR 1. 29. IXOR 1. LXOR 1. 31. IINC 1. Iinc. Insn. int I2. L 1. 33 visit. Insn. I2. F 1. I2. D 1. L2. I 1. 36. L2. F 1. L2. D 1. 38. F2. I 1. F2. L 1. 40. F2. D 1. D2. I 1. 42. D2. L 1. D2. F 1. 44. I2. B 1. I2. C 1. 46. I2. S 1. LCMP 1. 48. FCMPL 1. FCMPG 1. 50. DCMPL 1. DCMPG 1. 52. IFEQ 1. Jump. Insn. int IFNE 1. IFLT 1. 55. IFGE 1. IFGT 1. 57. IFLE 1. IFICMPEQ 1. 59. IFICMPNE 1. IFICMPLT 1. 61. IFICMPGE 1. IFICMPGT 1. 63. IFICMPLE 1. IFACMPEQ 1. 65. IFACMPNE 1. GOTO 1. 67. JSR 1. RET 1. 69 visit. Var. Insn. int TABLESWITCH 1. Table. Switch. Insn. LOOKUPSWITCH 1. Lookup. Switch. int IRETURN 1. Insn. int LRETURN 1. FRETURN 1. 74. DRETURN 1. ARETURN 1. 76. RETURN 1. GETSTATIC 1. 78 visit. Field. Insn. int PUTSTATIC 1. GETFIELD 1. 80. PUTFIELD 1. INVOKEVIRTUAL 1. Method. Insn. int INVOKESPECIAL 1. INVOKESTATIC 1. INVOKEINTERFACE 1.